
有朋自英伦来,不亦乐乎 ——英国四所名中学招生官访问我校



有朋自英伦来,不亦乐乎?2月16日,英国四所名中学Moreton Hall(英国莫顿堂女子中学)、Sherborne International(谢波恩国际学校)、Oswestry School(奥斯威瑞学校)和Lime house School(莱豪中学)的招生官Mrs Victoria Eastman、Ms Joanna Jackson、Ms Sarah Hicklin以及Ms Jackie Fisher的助手等一行8人来我校交流访问。东西方教育理想在这里交汇碰撞,来自西方的风吹来了别样的春日。






和羹之美,在于合异。在双方文化交流中,常务副校长孙小红老师为来宾们介绍了树人的课程特色和办学成果,特别是树人立足于学生个性发展需要,开设了健全心智、培养兴趣、发挥特长、拓宽视野、陶冶情操、锻炼体魄的丰富课程,孙校长表示,树人的教育追求是要成为一个让学生获得学习幸福感的地方。随后,Mrs Victoria Eastman、Ms Joanna Jackson、Ms Sarah Hicklin以及Ms Jackie Fisher的助手分别介绍了Moreton Hall(英国莫顿堂女子中学)、Sherborne International(谢波恩国际学校)、Oswestry School(奥斯威瑞学校)和Lime house School(莱豪中学)的办学历史和课程特色。虽然东西方的学校发展各有特色,但是在培养学生健全人格,促进学生健康快乐成长,形成文明自律的素养与独立自信的品格,并将其带入高中的学习生活这一理想追求却是一致的。




在四位招生官与初二(1)班、(3)班的课堂互动交流中,未知的世界和不曾见过的风景点燃了树人学子的探索和好奇之心。树人学生礼貌的问候、大胆的提问、流利的口语、对大洋彼岸的同龄人所体验的课程、运动、生活、文化等方方面面的关注让招生官们刮目相看,那些真诚而又童趣洋溢的问题让教室里充满欢声笑语,“Do your students have breakfast together?”“If some naughty students don’t obey the rules, what will you do to punish them? Will you call their parents?”这些问题让老师们也不禁莞尔。树人相信,未知的世界无比辽阔,而树人学子们对未知的好奇会让他们迸发出不断探索与前行的力量。





How can we enter the school? Are the students chosen, tested or not?

What kind of sports do the girls in your school like best?

What about the food in theUK? Is food all over the world mixed in theUK?

What about the scenery around the school? Is the beautiful view suitable for drawing?

You know, Spring Festival passed away just now, and the BBC had made a documentary about Chinese Lunar New Year. Are your students interested in Chinese culture? Do they celebrate the festival?

Where do the students live, in the school or in their home?

How many holidays do they have in a term?

What is the timetable of the school? When does the school start and end?

How do your students  celebrate festivals ,like Christmas?


What can l see in your school?

As you said, Sherboren is an old town,and your school has a long history. It must bevery famous, right? Could you tell me a little about your school?

As you said, your school’s name is ‘Sherborne International School’, so l wonder that why you choose your school’s name as ‘Sherborne’.

What kinds of activities do you have to make everyone join in the class?

I heard that the classes of British schools are active and aren’t as serious as Chinese, is it right?

I am very interested in your school’s subjects such as sports and music and the most important one---English. Your school’s students always practise speaking and writing English, so except that, do you have other interesting subjects?

Do your studentshave breakfast together?

Is the teacher in your school very strict? Are there a lot of tests in your school? Is the grade a most important thing of the student in your school?

Do you welcome the students who come fromChinato study in your school? Will you choose, maybe, some of the students in our school to study in your school? As you introduced, there are many students who come from other countries in your school, is your school a boarding school?

I only want to know more about your school’rules which is different from ours.

If some naughty students don’t obey the rules, what will you do to punish them?Will you call their parents?

As you said, your school’s students are coming from the countries all around the world, so when your students are away from home, I think they will feel a bit lonely from time to time. So how do you solve these problems?

